Framework for Growth in all areas of your life.

Hi friends! Enjoy this interactive framework for high performance and self-growth!
Don't wait for the new year to make changes or grow.
You can start today.
How to Approach this High Performance, Self Growth Framework
At the beginning of each month, work through different areas of your life - like relationships, career, self-growth, health, and more - with the questions below.
In each category, write about:
what's working
what's not working (be honest here!)
write down your action items.
Don't forget the very important 5 BIG MOVES for the month at the end.
This framework is inspired by super-inspiring life coach Brendon Burchard's GrowthDay.
Let's grow massively in the next month!
Don't wait for the new year to improve.
Water where you want to grow.
Monthly Self Growth Framework
Free Write:
Are you growing and learning in your career?
How do you feel about your overall trajectory?
How might you show up more authentically with your team?
What do you enjoy about your job?
Do you have a mentor or someone you learn from?
If work gets stressful, does it take you quite some time to come back into balance?
How is your work<>life balance?
What's Working?
What's Not Working?
Take Action!
Action Item 1
Action Item 2
Action Item 3
Sign up for the Yoga Newsletter
Join the weekly yoga newsletter to get ON the mat and OFF the mat mindful practices.
Home Life
Free Write:
How you feel about my home life?
How do you feel about the environment and energy in my space?
What might make you more comfortable at home?
What things do you have that make your life comfortable now?
Does your home feel like a representation of you?
What's Working?
What's Not Working?
Take Action!
Action Item 1
Action Item 2
Action Item 3
Free Write: What's great about your current friendships? What could be better?
If you're in a romantic relationship, what is great about it? What could be better?
How are your relationships with family members?
Does this time of year bring up anything for you?
How can you connect more with friends, lovers, or family?
How could you be more supportive to the relationships you care about?
How could you show up more authentically in your relationships?
Are you holding grudges?
What could you forgive or release?
Do you tell the people you love that you love them as much as you'd like?
What's Working?
What's Not Working?
Take Action!
Action Item 1
Action Item 2
Action Item 3
Free Write: Where do you feel most healthy?
When do I feel most healthy? Where do you feel most stressed or unbalanced?
What does balance feel like to you?
What does health look and feel like to you?
How can you create a system that keeps you on a healthy path?
What's Working?
What's Not Working?
Take Action!
Action Item 1
Action Item 2
Action Item 3
Free Write:
Do you feel like you're growing?
List a few good decisions you've made lately.
Do you make positive, growth changes in your life?
Have you recently been reacting to a lot of external stimuli versus responding?
Do your balance fun and playfulness?
Do the people you surround yourself with support your self-development and vision?
Do you feel aligned in your values?
If not, what can you do to get into alignment?
What's Working?
What's Not Working?
Take Action!
Action Item 1
Action Item 2
Action Item 3
Feel free to add categories as you see fit!
Perhaps you want to add Spirituality or Fatherhood/Motherhood.
5 Big Moves
I will accomplish this month
Based on your Take Action! items above, distill and blend those into 5 Big Moves you will do this month.
Big Thing!
Big Thing!
Big Thing!
Big Thing!
Big Thing!
Examples of big moves:
launch a new digital product
start your website
finish a course in XYZ
go to the gym 3 days a week
order meal kits and cook 3 healthy homemade dinners a week
I hope this is helpful!